Application for Orphan Well Classification
PA DEP Reports of All Well Types
Using DEP's Report page is a bit complicated so to get specific reports, use the following directions.
At the top of DEP's report page select the drop down arrow next to County select the county name from the list, then select the drop down arrow next to Well Status fields and make a selection. You can also select the Municipality or Region. See the image below then click
at the right edge of the page. Use the
to download a copy of the report in the format you choose.
DEP interactive well location map
You can use the link above to locate specific types of wells and get detailed information about the wells status.
Executive Summary of Act 78 of 1992 - Oil and Gas Act
Act 13 of 2012 - Gas Impact Fees
Jerry Wells' report Natural Gas Development Opportunities, Impacts and Needs Conceptual Analysis an independent analysis of the gas drilling issue
Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission draft report on Orphaned wells
DEP Oil and Gas Production Reports
Oil leaking from base of well.
Oil leaking from improperly plugged well.
Erosion around casing of plugged well.
Acid mine water flowing from well casing.